

Personal informations

  • Position : Doctor in private law
  • Domaines d'activités : Intellectual property, Arbitrage, Business Law, Maritime law, Environmental law, Philosophy
  • Experience : 10 ans
  • Address : Togo


Mr. Ampah JOHNSON-ANSAH passed the baccalaureate, series A in 1988 at the Protestant College of Lomé-Tokoin. He enrolled in the Faculty of Law of the University of the same city where he obtained a master's degree in private law., business option in 1992. Having felt the vocation, he responds to the call of the Lord. He entered the Protestant University of Central Africa in Yaoundé (Cameroon) in 1998 as a student pastor ; which allowed him to obtain a master's degree in theology in 2003. Returned to Lomé, he registers again during the year 2004 in DEA environmental law, the only diploma of in-depth studies in law from the University of Lomé which was then the breeding ground for legal training in cooperation with the University of Abomey-Calavi in ​​Benin and mainly financed by the University of Maastricht (The Netherlands) and the University of Liège (Belgium) with illustrious teachers like Théodore HOLO, Coffee WOMEN-DRAWN, Akuété SANTOS, the late Gero AMOUSSOU or the late Messanvi FOLI. After the dissertation defense on pesticides in Togolese law in July 2005, Mr. Ampah JOHNSON-ANSAH was strongly encouraged by Dean SANTOS as well as President AHADZI-NONOU to embrace an academic career. It is therefore naturally under the direction of the first who is a privatist that he will support a thesis entitled “The exhaustion of industrial property rights in the OAPI space” co-directed by Professor Yves REBOUL of the University of Strasbourg, and former director of the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI). This thesis is defended at the University of Strasbourg on 3 october 2013.

Hired in May 2014 at the University of Lomé, Mr. Ampah JOHNSON-ANSAH has been the Head of the Private Law Department since July 2018. He was reappointed to this position after the elections. 2022 for a new four-year term.

In ten years, Mr. Ampah JOHNSON-ANSAH has established himself as one of the most prolix professors of African law with a rich repertoire of more than thirty publications.. He has covered very diverse fields ranging from intellectual property to arbitration., through business law, maritime law, environmental law or even philosophy.


  1. “Patent law and access to medicines in the context of pandemics : Is he sick of Covid? 19 », in Proceedings of the Yaoundé Conference – Intellectual property at the service of business management in Africa (to be published by CEIPI in 2024)
  2. “Fisheries law and fishing crises”, in Proceedings of the Lomé conference on the seven years of the Togolese Merchant Marine Code, Lome 02 et 03 November 2023 (to be published by Larcier editions in 2024).
  3. “The artist, the Works Supervision Committee and copyright : a three-way dance to the rhythm of public order and good morals”, Bimonthly Intellectual Property Review, avril 2024,
  4. “African fashion seized by the law : between creation and valorization », to appear in International signatures, avril 2024 (forthcoming).
  5. (Co-publication with M. REPORT, “Looks at the magistrate-arbitrator in the OHADA space”, Ersuma, 2024 (forthcoming).
  6. Co-publication with E. MONTCHO-AGBASSA and Y. the. DRINK, “Review of works”, Bimonthly Intellectual Property Review, october 2023.
  7. “When the Doctor’s secret sows confusion in pharmacies”, Bimonthly Intellectual Property Review, avril 2023
  8. “The will of the parties to forced execution in the AUVE”, Burkinabè law review, 2023, pp. 46-76.
  9. “The future of geographical indications in the OAPI space”, in Blends in honor of Professor N. Good luck, credit 2023, pp. 247-285.
  10. “Togolese copyright stands the test of time”, French-speaking Review of Intellectual Property, n° 16, Feb. 2023, p. 23-35.
  11. “Electronic commerce and exhaustion of trademark rights”, Penant, n° 922, Jan-Mar 2023, 131-156.
  12. “The new development of geographical indications in the light of the Bamako Act”, Intellectual properties, n° 85, IRPI, october 2022, pp. 92 -103.
  13. Participation in the commentary on the Bangui Agreement : “Commentary to the Annex relating to geographical indications”, in OAPI : African Intellectual Property Organization. Bangui Agreement commented and annotated, Juriscope, 2022. pp. 513-577.
  14. “Appeals against maritime and financial arbitral awards”, Togolese review of business law and arbitration, n° 20, June 2022, pp. 21-33.
  15. “Maritime and financial arbitration awards and third parties”, in M. REPORT (dir.), Arbitration of maritime and financial disputes in Africa – Proceedings of the international conference launching the activities of the International Center for Arbitration and Mediation, Preface by Professor. A. P. SANTOS, Mercuriales editions, 2022, pp. 228-255.
  16. Co-publication, “Panorama of African law on distinctive signs”, Industrial property, avril 2022.
  1. “Maritime piracy : shadows and lights on a decision of the Togolese repressive judge », Directory of Maritime and Oceanic Law, Tome 40, Year 2022, pp. 169-197.
  2. “Lease and intellectual property : on the borders of analogies…”, Intellectual property notebook, Vol. 34, n° 1, January 2022, pp. 49-83.
  3. “The exploitation of the young domestic girl : myth or reality ? », Togolese Journal of Business Law and Arbitration, December 2021, pp. 39-5
  4. “Common law and special law of commercial sales OHADA”, Penant, n° 914, mars 2021, pp. 109-142.
  5. “Legal aspects of illegal fishing in Togo”, Directory of Maritime and Oceanic Law, Tome 39, Year 2021, pp. 131-150.
  6. Co-publication, “Panorama of African law on distinctive signs”, Industrial property, FEBRUARY 2021.
  7. “Free disposal of rights and settlement of disputes”, Scientific journal of the University of Lomé, 2020, pp. 549-583.
  8. “The obligations of the retiring partner in variable capital companies under OHADA law”, RRJ Prospective law, 2020-1, pp. 395-428.
  9. “The wheat and the chaff : the assessment of the infringement of patent and trademark rights by the Togolese judge », French-speaking Review of Intellectual Property, n°11 December 2020, pp. 17-32.
  10. “The enigma of the principle of territoriality in OAPI law”, Notebooks of Intellectual properties, University of Laval (Canada), January 2020, pp. 95-131.
  11. “The challenge of otherness in Emmanuel Levinas and Fabien Eboussi Boulaga”, Mosaics n°24, December 2019, pp. 59-81.
  12. “Between the promise of the rule and the promised land of the ecological purpose of the law : the private law judge grappling with environmental protection”, in Blends in Honor of Professor K. Ahadzi-Nonou, Poitiers University Legal Press, 2019, p 314 and s.
  13. “The Bamako Act and the exhaustion of intellectual property rights : a Copernican rupture », Intellectual Properties, IRPI, october 2018, pp. 100-110.
  14. “Counterfeiting of medicines. General presentation », French-speaking Review of Intellectual Property, June 2018, pp. 70-81.
  15. “The eʋe language and the law in Togo. The Right to the crucible of the ritual of hermeneutics », in J. FOMETEU, Ph. BRIAND and L. METANGMO - TATOU (under the direction), Language and law, Harmattan Cameroon, 2018, pp. 127-167.
  16. “The protection of the “medicine consumer” in French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa”, in S. YAWAGA, Consumer protection in Cameroon : principles, issues and perspectives, Le Kilimanjaro editions, Library Collection of African and Malagasy Legislation and Jurisprudence, 2018, pp. 155-186.
  17. “Protection of drug consumers in French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa : the example of Togo », Togolese Journal of Business Law and Arbitration, -The Mercuriales, nov. 2017, pp. 38-50.
  1. “The customs legislation of the OAPI States put to the test of intellectual property : the case of Togo », in Blends in honor of Dr.. Paulin Edou Edou for OAPI. Insights on intellectual property in Africa, LGDJ, 2017, pp. 97-114.
  2. “The exhaustion of copyright in the revised Bangui Agreement”, Togolese Journal of Business Law and Arbitration, -The Mercuriales, september 2016, pp. 24-37.
  3. “The availability of the brand transferred : the brand abhors a vacuum” : RFPI n° 2, Jurisprudence, et RTDAA/Les Mercuriales, Jan. 2016, pp. 37-48. (in co-publication with A. SANTOS)
  4. “The contribution of arbitration to the protection of industrial property in French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa”. Francophone Review Intellectual Property, n° 1, Dr., pp. 5-21.