
Pr. Paul Gerard POUGOUE

Pr. Paul-Gérard POUGOUE

Personal informations

  • Position : Associate of law faculties
  • Domaine d'activité : Right, Education, Administration, Information and Communication Technologies...
  • Experience : More ... than 20 ans
  • Address : Cameroon


The teacher Paul-Gérard POUGOUE was born on 08 mars 1949 in Baku in the West Cameroon region.

Academic background

After his baccalaureate, he entered the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences of the University of Yaoundé where he obtained the License (diet 04 ans) in Law and Economic Sciences, Private Law option, mention Good, Major of the promotion. He continues his studies at the University of Bordeaux 1 in France where he obtained the Diploma of Higher Studies in Private Law, Fairly Good mention, the Diploma of Higher Studies in Criminal Law, Fairly Good mention, the State Doctorate in Private Law and Criminal Sciences.

Integrated into the body of higher education teachers in August 1977, he teaches and gives numerous conferences in several universities and institutes of higher education in Cameroon, in Africa, In France, in America, in various areas of law : rights of people, family law, land and property law, obligation rights, property law, exchange law, Bank right, insurance law, labor and social security law, private judicial law, arbitration law, ways of execution, Private International Law, international trade law, theory and anthropology of law, legal epistemology.

In his long teaching career, he concentrated a lot of energy in the direction of theses, supervision with a view to becoming authorized to direct research, preparation for the aggregation exam, particularly within the framework of the University Agency of La Francophonie (ON) and the Institute for the Development of Francophone Higher Education (IDESUF) from Bordeaux.

Synopsis of his research activity

in parallel, Paul-Gérard POUGOUE carries out research activity and contributes to numerous scientific meetings. He is the author of numerous publications. He has a high sense of shared effort and collective work :

  • he designed and coordinated the Encyclopedia of OHADA Law, directed, with his colleagues ISSA-SAYEGH Joseph et SAWADOGO Michel Filiga, the green code and the green collection of OHADA law under the aegis of the Juriscope of Poitiers,
  • he created or led as a member of the scientific council several legal journals, notably Juridis Périodique magazine in Yaoundé, the Annals of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of the University of Dschang, the African Human Rights Notebook of the Association for the Promotion of Human Rights in Central Africa (Catholic University of Central Africa / Catholic Institute of Yaoundé), the journal of the Higher Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA), the Comparative Labor and Social Security Law Review of the Center for Comparative Labor and Social Security Law (COMPTRA-SEC) from Bordeaux, UMR/CNRS 5114, the Cameroonian Review of Management of the Higher School of Economic and Commercial Sciences (ESSEC) from the University of Douala, the Legal and Political Notebooks of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of the University of N’Gaoundéré, the African Journal of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of the University of Yaoundé II.

Its participation in international scientific bodies

Because of his rich experience as a teacher-researcher, Paul-Gérard POUGOUE is called :

  • to lead several aggregation juries of the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (LEGS), Private Law and Criminal Sciences section ;
  • to sit in the decision-making bodies of international institutions including the AUF (1993-2001), the House of Human Sciences of Aquitaine (2001-2010), the Institute for the Development of Francophone Higher Education, the Council of the International Organization of Academic Palms (BAD) of CAMES, the Catholic University of Central Africa (1991 – 2004), from the International Insurance Institute of Yaoundé ;
  • to be general rapporteur of the XVIIth World Congress on Labor Law and Social Security, Uruguay, 3-5 september 2003 ;
  • to be sponsor of the 5th promotion (2004) general training in Human Rights under the scientific coordination of the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Democracy, University of Abomey-Calavi, Republic of Benin ;
  • to be presented at the Hague Academy of International Law, summer 2015, a course on “Arbitration practice at the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa”.


From 2009, he is a member of the Commission of Experts for the Application of ILO Conventions and Recommendations.

Participation in school and university administration

At the same time, throughout his career, the Professor participates in school and university administration :

  • 1978-1979, 1is Secretary General of the Douala University Center which became the University of Douala ;
  • 1979-1984, 1is Deputy Director in charge of Studies at ESSEC Douala ;
  • 1989-1993, last Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the former University of Yaoundé ;
  • 1993-1996, Technical Advisor at the University of Dschang ;
  • 1996-1999, Dean at the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences at the University of Dschang ;
  • 1998-2012, Vice-Rector of the University of Yaoundé II ;
  • 2012-2012, Vice-rector of the University of Dschang ;
  • From 2010, Head of the Department of Legal Theory, Legal epistemology, Comparative law at the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of the University of Yaoundé II ;
  • Since September 2012, Secretary General of the Ministry of Secondary Education of Cameroon.

Un Consultant international…

Teacher, researcher and administrator, the teacher Paul-Gérard POUGOUE is also an actor in living law as a consultant, expert and arbitrator.

He carries out numerous consultations and evaluation missions or drafting legal texts on behalf :

  • you PNUD
  • you BITE
  • from the World Bank
  • of the Central Bank of Central African States (BCEAC)
  • of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC)
  • of International Jurists and Economists against Poverty (JEICP) in Toronto
  • of French Cooperation, de The Investment Climate Facility for Africa (ICF)
  • of Canadian-Cameroonian Cooperation, of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF)
  • of the Foundation for Continental Law in Paris, of the Cameroonian State
  • of the Inter-Employer Group of Cameroon (GICAM)
  • companies
  • of the African Regional Center for Labor Administration (BROKEN)
  • of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA club)

The professor participates in numerous national arbitrations (arbitrage ad doc, arbitrage GICAM) and international (Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce of Paris).

Also, he is a member of learned societies following :

  • International Society for Labor Law and Social Security ;
  • International Foundation for the Teaching of Business Law ;
  • Association Henri Capitant ;
  • Comparative Law Legislation Society.

Some honorary distinctions

He received several honorary distinctions :

  • Grand Officer of the Order of Valor (Cameroon) ;
  • Commander of the Order of Valor (Cameroon) ;
  • Officer of the Order of Valor (Cameroon) ;
  • Knight of the Order of Valor (Cameroon ;
  • Officer of the Order of Valor (Cameroon) ;
  • Officer of the National Order of the Republic of Benin ;
  • Commander of the Academic Palms of the International Organization of Academic Palms (BAD) of the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (LEGS) ;
  • Officer of the Academic Palms of OSPA/CAMES ;
  • Medal of Honor for Labor in vermeil, argent, or (Cameroon ;
  • Honorary Diploma from the African Business Law Organization (OHADA club).


Excerpt Biography, L’obligation : Studies offered to the Professor Paul-Gérard POUGOUE ; MEASUREMENT, François ; YOU WANT, Alain Didier ; Paris ; The Harmattan ; 2015.

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