

Pr. Jacques MESTRE

Personal informations

  • Position : Président de l'AFDD
  • Domaine d'activité : Private right, Criminal Sciences, Civil right, Business Law...
  • Experience : More ... than 20 ans
  • Address : France


Jacques Mestre is a former law professor and today president of the French Association of Doctors of Law. He is very concerned about the role and responsibility of the lawyer in contemporary society. And also very attentive to the situation faced by young researchers.

Honorary dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Aix-Marseille, former President of the private law and criminal sciences section of the National Council of Universities, former President of the private law and criminal sciences aggregation jury, Jacques Mestre established himself throughout his career as one of the masters of civil law and business law.

He founded the Center for Economic Law at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Aix-Marseille. Arbitrator, consultant, President of the French Association of Doctors of Law, heavily invested internationally, notably in French-speaking Africa where he chaired the jury of the CAMES competition, Jacques Mestre is very aware and very concerned about the role and responsibility of the lawyer in contemporary society.

He left his mark on several branches of private law, in particular through the column he wrote for a long time in the Quarterly Review of Civil Law on the law of obligations.

Many French and foreign authors have paid tribute to him with these Mixtures which, without being limited to this or that specialty of private law, bring together prestigious academic signatures, senior magistrates, political figures and practitioners from several continents : Europe, Africa, America and Asia.