
Pr. Joseph FIFAMIN


Personal informations

  • Position : Associate of law faculties
  • Domaine d'activité : Private right, Criminal sciences at CAMES, Education, Research...
  • Experience : More ... than 20 ans
  • Address : Abomey (Benign)


Joseph FIFAMIN DJOGBÉNOU, born the 20 mars 1969 in Abomey (Republic of Benin), is a politician, Beninese lawyer and academic. It is from 8 June 2018 au 12 July 2022, the president of the constitutional court of Benin, sixth term.

Academic background

  • Aggregation of private law and criminal sciences, LEGS 2009, Major de promotion
  • State doctorate in law, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the UAC, Benign, 2007
  • Diploma of advanced studies in human rights, UNESCO Chair of Human Rights and Democracy, Faculty of Law, UAC, Benign, 2000
  • Certificate of aptitude for the profession of lawyer, Faculty of Law, UAC, 1997, Major de promotion
  • Master degree in Law, option, business law and judicial careers, Faculty of Law, UAC, 1996.
  • Degree in law, business law and judicial careers, Faculty of Law, UAC, 1995
  • Diploma of general university studies in law, Faculty of Law, UAC, 1994
  • Baccalaureate, series A, College of Reverend Father Aupiais, Cotonou, 1992

Associative functions

Of 2002 has 2005, Joseph DJOGBÉNOU was president of the Human Rights NGO, Peace and development (DHPD). Of 2006 has 2007, he was a member of the Front of Civil Society Organizations for Citizen Control of Public Action (FORS CAP).From 2008, he is once again president of the NGO Human Rights, Peace and Development (DHPD). He notably contributed to the establishment of the management of the Front network of civil society organizations for the establishment of the permanent computerized electoral list (FORS-LEBI).

Academic functions

Joseph DJOGBÉNOU teaches private judicial law, the means of execution, collective procedures, introduction to the study of law, the law of obligations, and criminal law and criminal procedure. Having completed his entire course at the University of Abomey-Calavi, it was there that he first got his start in teaching. However, he is very close to the University of Parakou where he initiated, under the cover of DHPD NGO, a public speaking competition. From 2010, Joseph DJOGBÉNOU is a professor at the faculty of law and political science at the University of Abomey-Calavi. He directs the Center for Research and Studies in Law and Judicial Institutions in Africa., as well as the master's degree in Law and Judicial Institutions. His academic activity is important and also consists, in addition to the courses and conferences he gives, in participation in thesis and various examination juries, in the direction of dissertations and theses. He is the head of the private law department of the faculty of law and political science at the University of Abomey-Calavi..

Legal profession

Joseph DJOGBÉNOU is one of the most famous lawyers of the Benin bar. He was admitted to the internship in 1998, and is entered on the table in 2000. Also, he defended the most humble people as well as the most famous. And best known for having avoided Hamani Tidjani, a Nigerian with a reputation as a cross-border criminal, the death penalty reserved for him in Nigeria. He also defended Beninese businessman Patrice Talon, prosecuted for attempted poisoning and coup d'état against President Boni Yayi, of which the Paris Court of Appeal had rejected, in December 2013, the extradition request to Benin. And also, he defended Johannes Dagnon, Franco-Beninese accountant detained in Parakou civil prison, for endangering the internal security of the State. It is currently omitted. He was a member of the Council of the Benin Bar Association.


  • “Debt collection and financial crisis : looking for alternative solutions », intervention at the edition of the African Congress of Corporate Lawyers, Cotonou, the 6 May 2010
  • Forced execution : OHADA law, 2011
  • Code of Civil Procedure, commercial, social, administrative and accounts, commented and annotated, 2012
  • Code of Civil Procedure, commercial, social, administrative and accounts. Deeds form, 2012
  • Introduction to the study of law : African perspectives, 2012
  • Code of criminal procedure commented and annotated, 2013
  • The CREDIJ Notebooks. Study reports and activity programs, 2013
  • The CREDIJ Notebooks. Practical guide for use by judicial police officers, 2013
  • The justice sector and the rule of law in Benin : a study carried out at the initiative of the Open Society Initiative for West Africa ; OSIWA 2010 on the basis of the OHADA Uniform Acts, Penant, no 867, April June 2009 ; Beninese journal of legal and administrative sciences, no 20 et 21, year 2008-2009
  • Reflection on presidential jurisdiction in matters of forced execution in OHADA law, to appear in the Beninese journal of legal and administrative sciences
  • The principle of legal and judicial security in the OHADA area, Intervention at the annual session of the African Association of Banking Lawyers and Financial Institutions, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 17 avril 2008
  • Deprivations of individual freedom of movement not following a criminal conviction, Thesis, Doctorat unique, UAC, Cotonou, 1December 2007
  • Forced execution : Beninese legislation and Ohada law, ed. Juris Ouanilo, august 2006
  • People and family in the Republic of Benin : from social reality to legal news, in The person, family and law in the Republic of Benin : contribution to the study of the personal and family code ; ed. Juris Ouanilo, FEBRUARY 2007
  • The nullity regime in terms of simplified recovery procedures and enforcement routes, Law and Law Review, no 5, october 2005
  • Report on the state of press freedom in Benin, I'M GOING, 1re ed., November 2005