Promoting excellence : Cameroon hosted its award ceremony for the winners of the 6th edition of the OHADA best writing prize

After the success of the Beninese awards ceremony for the winners of the OHADA Best Writing Prize, the city of Douala hosted the awards ceremony for the Cameroonian winners of the 6th edition of this Prize. This colorful ceremony was held at the Professionalization Complex of the University of Douala, after a morning visit to the partners' premises, under the direction of Doctor Ravel Benny DJIELON MOUTCHEU – President of the International Law Society. The said ceremony took place on Thursday 19 september 2024 in the presence of an audience of guests. Beyond face-to-face participation, said ceremony was organized in a bimodal format.

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After the set-up and installation of the guests, the national anthem of the Republic of Cameroon sung preceded the welcoming words of the host institution pronounced by Professor Henri-Désiré MODI KOKO BEBEY. The Professor, in his capacity as Secretary General of the University of Douala, did not fail to welcome the audience in the name of the Rector of the University of Douala whom he represented. He also welcomed the initiative of the OHADA Best Writing Prize. This Prize he affirmed, contributes to the influence of OHADA business law, to scientific excellence while achieving the ambition of professionalization. Following him, the word of the organization was given by Doctor Ravel Benny DJIELON MOUTCHEU. Once the usual courtesies have been carried out, the latter sent words of greetings and thanks to Professor Henri-Désiré MODI KOKO BEBEY dedicatee of the 6e edition of this competition. Doctor Ravel Benny DJIELON MOUTCHEU while recalling the context of the event also sent thanks to the Scientific Committee, au Jury, to the partners of the event and to all participants in the competition.

Professor Henri-Désiré MODI KOKO BEBEY took the floor again as dedicatee of this 6th edition of the competition, due to his presidency of the Scientific Committee of the first five editions. He has, Moreover, thanked all the actors who contributed alongside him, to the success of this ambitious and elitist initiative aimed at promoting OHADA law. He also vigorously recalled that OHADA law is business law for the development of Africa., that it is in progress and that similar events would further enable its popularization. The dedicatee did not fail to salute the work done by the organizers of this sixth edition.  

Following him, Maître Emmanuel MASSODA – lawyer at the Cameroon Bar, associated with the Chazai-Wamba firm, spoke on behalf of the competition partners. After saluting the figures of OHADA law who marked him during his academic and professional career, he made a brief presentation of the Chazai-Wamba cabinet. Once his thanks addressed to the organizers and after having reiterated the constant and continuous support of the partners, he strongly encouraged this initiative which continues to flourish over the years.

Following him, the representative of UNIDA, Maître Arnaud FEUTCHING TANGNFUT greeted the audience, the winners, the public and congratulated the SID for its meticulous work. By being in line with the words of the dedicatee, who recalled the support of UNIDA in his speech, Maître TANGNFUT reiterated the commitment of UNIDA/ to supporting initiatives aimed at promoting OHADA law.

Mr. David NYAMSI – Secretary General of the GECAM Mediation and Arbitration Center spoke following the UNIDA representative, as representative of Mrs. Arlette BOCCOVI – President of the jury, prevented for the circumstance. He read the speech of Madam President of the jury, reporting, Firstly, of the deliberation of its members and proclaiming, on the other hand, the results of the edition. The latter did not fail to greet the dedicatee of the edition – Mr. Professor Henri-Désiré MODI KOKO BEBEY, his successor as President of the Scientific Committee – Professor Joseph Fifamin DJOGBENOU and the partners of the event. During the results announcement phase, he highlighted the many qualities of the participants, particularly highlighting those of the winners. Mr. NYAMSI, at the end of the remarks, encouraged non-winning candidates to persevere and renew their commitment in the quest for excellence.

After the presentation of awards and diplomas to the winners under the moderation of the organization and the taking of photos of the circumstances, the Cameroonian winners exposed to the public the quintessence of their work judged to be excellent under the moderation of Doctor Christian Valdano KOJOUO – Member of the Jury.

The first presentation was that of Mr. Fernand JOEMOU PATIO, sole winner of the best commentary on court decisions category..  «Legal closure of current account : the CCJA stays the course » was his writing subject to restitution.

The second presentation was that of Mr. Yvan Cyrille DALLE BETOME, fourth in the best article category. His presentation focused on the theme: « the competence of the arbitrator to resolve private conflicts in OHADA law : reality or effectiveness ? ».

Apart from the rewards received by the winners, it was awarded to the partners with special mentions, in recognition of their contributions and unwavering support to the International Law Society and its international organizing committee for the OHADA Best Writing Prize. The latter solemnly received these special mentions from the hands of the personalities present, including: Professor Joseph Marie ZAMBO BELINGA – Vice-Rector in charge of Internal Control and Evaluation (SQUEAKING), Professor André AKAM AKAM – Dean of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, Doctor Moise Valère EBENDENG ONDO – Director of the Center for University Works. Following them, Professor Henri-Désiré MODI KOKO BEBEY – Dedicate of the 6th edition of the Prize – received its special mention with words of thanks from the SID represented by its President, Doctor Ravel Benny DJIELON MOUTCHEU. This special mention was awarded to him for his invaluable contribution to the evolution and success of the OHADA Best Writing Prize., of which he chaired the Scientific Committee during five editions.

After Benin and Cameroon, Senegal will host the next awards ceremony.

The Committee thanks the members of the Scientific Committee, the members of the jury and the partners who enable the effectiveness and continuity of this initiative of emulation and scientific excellence for the systematization and effectiveness of OHADA law.

Awards for Mr. Fernand JOEMOU PATIO

         Research grant

  • 200.000 FCFA


  • OHADA recovery code red 2024
  • Practical guide to bank credit guarantees in the OHADA area
  • OHADA corporate dispute
  • Mixtures in honor of Professor Ahonagnon Noël Gbaguidi Tome 1 & 2
  • 2 green codes 2022
  • 1 code vert 2023
  • 1 code blue 2023
  • 1 security book
  • A selection of works by ERSUMA


  • Legiafrica subscription
  • A subscription to BEPP and the ERSUMA magazine
  • Free online participation in an Ersuma training session and free participation in 3 ERSUMA conferences

Awards for Mr. Yvan Cyrille DALLE BETOME


  • Practical guide to bank credit guarantees in the OHADA area
  • OHADA corporate dispute
  • 3 OHADA green codes 2022
  • 1 Code blue 2023
  • 1 book on security law
  • A selection of works by ERSUMA


  • Legiafrica subscription
  • A subscription to BEPP and the ERSUMA magazine

Some images from the ceremony