Legal and political review in Africa – call for contributions for the special December issue 2024

The Legal and Political Review in Africa, published by the Center for Research and Prospective Studies in Africa launches a call for contributions around the theme “RETHINKING AFRICAN LAW FROM THE IDENTITY OF THE AFRICAN CONTINENT”

Communication proposals may be structured around the following axes :

AXE 1 : The identity of traditional African law
AXE 2 : The identity of African civil law
AXE 3 : The identity of OHADA business law
AXE 4 : African law and the new frontiers of law
AXE 5 : The identity of African constitutional law
AXE 6 : Rethinking African integration law
AXE 7 : The identity of African administrative law
AXE 8 : The identity of African tax and financial law
Free choice is given to contributors while remaining within the central theme.

Teacher-researchers, interested researchers and experts are invited to submit their
propositions d’articles. Proposals should be sent, electronically from the
RJPA-CERPA no later than 30 october 2024 at the following address :
Articles must comply with the publication guidelines of the Revue Juridique et Politique
in Africa (RJPA-CERPA).

To download the call for contributions, click on : Communiqué