Posts Tagged: Mali

Journée scientifique sur l’uniformisation du droit des obligations OHADA

Le Centre d´Etudes, de Recherche et de Prospective en Afrique (CERPA) organisera les 17 et 18 october 2024, un évènement majeur sur la problématique de l’uniformisation du droit des obligations dans l’espace OHADA. L’objectif de la journée scientifique est d’approfondir la réflexion sur l’uniformisation du droit des obligations dans l’espace OHADA tout en vérifiant son

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Legal and political review in Africa – call for contributions for the special December issue 2024

The Legal and Political Review in Africa, published by the Center for Research and Prospective Studies in Africa launches a call for contributions around the theme “RETHINKING AFRICAN LAW FROM THE IDENTITY OF THE AFRICAN CONTINENT”

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New OHADA Uniform Act relating to simplified recovery procedures and enforcement routes : retrospective look, positive and forward-looking

CERPA organized the 30 July 2024, a scientific webinar entitled : “The past, the present and future of the new Uniform Act organizing simplified debt recovery procedures and OHADA enforcement routes” The entire webinar is accessible via the video below.

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