
Proclamation des résultats de la première édition du Prix du meilleur écrit juridique – volet propriété intellectuelle

Communiqué de la Société Internationale de Droit L’an deux mille vingt-quatre et précisément le 14 avril a été lancé la première édition du prix du meilleur écrit juridique – volet propriété intellectuelle à l’initiative de la Société Internationale de Droit. La compétition a pour ambition d’inciter les chercheurs à participer à la pensée, à la

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Legal and political review in Africa – call for contributions for the special December issue 2024

The Legal and Political Review in Africa, published by the Center for Research and Prospective Studies in Africa launches a call for contributions around the theme “RETHINKING AFRICAN LAW FROM THE IDENTITY OF THE AFRICAN CONTINENT”

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New OHADA Uniform Act relating to simplified recovery procedures and enforcement routes : retrospective look, positive and forward-looking

CERPA organized the 30 July 2024, a scientific webinar entitled : “The past, the present and future of the new Uniform Act organizing simplified debt recovery procedures and OHADA enforcement routes” The entire webinar is accessible via the video below.

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Prize for best writing OHADA edition MODI KOKO : the Beninese winners were rewarded

From left to right : the 3rd winner, one of the SID representatives, the 2nd winner, the master of ceremonies representing the SID. The award presentations to the winners of the OHADA Best Writing Prize are often awaited events which officially mark the end of each edition of this competition.. Au

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Extension of the deadline for registrations for the 1st edition of the Prize for best legal writing – intellectual property component

Advertise you 27 avril 2024 Following requests received by the International Organizing Committee for the first edition of the Prize for Best Legal Writing – intellectual property section, the committee decided to extend the date for receipt of applications until 15 May 2024 2024 at 23:59 GMT. The competition will take place according to

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Proclamation of the results of the sixth edition of the OHADA Best Written Prize – Edition MODI KOKO

The year two thousand and twenty-three and precisely the 20 November 2023, the sixth edition of the OHADA best writing prize was launched (SME-OHADA – MODI KOKO edition) on the initiative of the International Society of Law. The competition aims to encourage researchers to participate in the thinking and systematization of human rights law.

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A new issue of your Lexbase Afrique OHADA Review is available. Find the excellence of the doctrine on OHADA law and the major legislative and jurisprudential news of recent months. This issue places particular emphasis on the reform of simplified recovery procedures and enforcement routes #AUPSRVE. You will also find the latest news there

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Publication of the work standardization of intellectual property law and conflicts of laws in OAPI

The work first proposes to submit to analysis, the idea according to which the standardization of law in general and, especially, the advanced standardization of intellectual property law in OAPI (African intellectual property organization) eliminate the problem of conflict of laws. The results of this analysis, however, allow us to note the persistence of such conflicts

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Full press release from PME OHADA 2022

Friday 17 FEBRUARY 2023, the Regional Superior School of the Judiciary (ERSUMA) of OHADA hosted the ceremony…

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Brief press release from PME OHADA 2022

Friday 17 FEBRUARY 2023, the Regional Superior School of the Judiciary (ERSUMA) of OHADA hosted the ceremony…

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