1st Prize for the Best OHADA Article 2018 ( PMA-OHADA-18-01 )
Ethics in OHADA Arbitration : Study in the light of the new Uniform Act relating to Arbitration Law and the new Arbitration Rules of the CCJA
Komlanvi AGBAM, Master 2 international business law, University of Dijon-Hodabalo
Bidjaréou MOUZOU, Master 2 Justice and trial law, Kara University
Arbitration, real private justice has long been considered an ethical no man's land, favoring the increase and multiplication of the excesses of which the various actors involved in the arbitration procedure are guilty. Faced with this, we have been witnessing for some years a strong return of morality to the forefront of the concerns of the time in the form of ethics tending to repair and prevent, even a little, the crisis of legal regulation., said Bruno, deviations observed in arbitration matters. It is then that it seems judicious to lead a reflection on ethics in OHADA arbitration at the present time when an update of the texts governing the law of arbitration in the OHADA space has taken place..