A new issue of your Lexbase Afrique OHADA Review is available. Find the excellence of the doctrine on OHADA law and the major legislative and jurisprudential news of recent months.
This issue places particular emphasis on the reform of simplified recovery procedures and enforcement routes #AUPSRVE. You will also find current case law and legislation in arbitration law, in matters of civil procedure and company law.
Summary of the Journal:
In the section Routes of execution:
In the news… Presentation of the innovations of the new Uniform Act organizing simplified recovery procedures and enforcement routes, By Ndèye Coumba Madeleine NDIAYE, Associate of law faculties, Professor at UCAD in Dakar
Update on… Reform of OHADA recovery law, By Claire Séjean-Chazal, Professor at Sorbonne Paris Nord University, Member of the scientific committee of the litigation and recovery journal of Lexbase.
Update on… Revision of the article 30 of the AUPSRVE: reduction of the scope of application of immunity from execution, Par Ibrahim ADJI, Doctor of law (University of Toulon and UCAD of Dakar)
Jurisprudence… Commentary on the CCJA judgment, 26 october 2023, n° 176/2023, Omeifra Africa Company, Par Joel Dongmo, Doctor of Law at the University of Nantes Expert consultant at the law firm Me Kassiya, Lawyer at the Cameroon Bar
In the arbitration section:
Jurisprudence… Prohibition to appreciate existence, the validity and maintenance of the arbitration clause in relation to the execution of the basic contract, CCJA, 3th ch., 26 January 2023, n° 012/2023,
Jurisprudence… Application of the arbitration clause to the action opposing the dissolution of the co-contracting company, CCJA, 2th ch., 29 June 2023, n°152/2023, Canalbox SA company c/ State of Benin, By the Lexbase Africa editorial team
In the procedures section:
Case law… The notification of the contested decision to the opposing party is not a condition for the admissibility of the appeal before the CCJA; CCJA, 2th ch., 29 June 2023, n°152/2023, Canalbox SA company c/ State of Benin, By the Lexbase Africa editorial team
Jurisprudence… Appeal for interpretation of the operative part of a CCJA judgment annulling a partial arbitral award, CCJA, Ass. plen, 26 october 2023, Beninese Electric Energy Company (SBEE) c/ State of Benin.
Review under the scientific direction of Professor Ndiaw DIOUF
Editor-in-chief: Falilou DIOP, Lecturer in private law and criminal sciences at Jean Moulin Lyon University 3.
The magazine is available on www.lexbase-afrique.com. To suggest articles, case law notes and text comments, please send them as an attachment (format Word) in their final version at fdiop@lexbase-afrique.com